Minecraft Pumpkin カボチャ

Pumpkin カボチャ

Type Solid Block
Requirements None
Physics No
Transparency No
Luminance No
Blast Resistance

Tool use-sword
Stackable Yes (64)
First Appearance Alpha 1.2.0
Data value

dec: 86 hex: 56



Pumpkins will have a central stem that slowly grows until it reaches its maximum size, at which point the pumpkin will randomly spawn a fruit next to it if a Farmland block is adjacent, and if there is air above the stem. Pumpkin stems take around 10 to 30 minutes to fully develop. Pumpkins will revert the farmland to dirt when it grows. Pumpkin stems will only grow a single Pumpkin each, and Pumpkins that grow adjacent to a fully developed stem will cause that stem to connect to it. Bonemeal will cause a pumpkin stem to produce a pumpkin immediately provided there is an empty farmland block to place the pumpkin in.

For best results the farm should look like this:

S S S S S S S S S            F F F F F F F F F
F F F F F F F F F            S S S S S S S S S            
F F F F F F F F F            S S S S S S S S S
S S S S S S S S S            F F F F F F F F F
X X X X W X X X X     OR     X X X X W X X X X
S S S S S S S S S            F F F F F F F F F
F F F F F F F F F            S S S S S S S S S
F F F F F F F F F            S S S S S S S S S
S S S S S S S S S            F F F F F F F F F 

F= Farmland; S= Pumpkin Seeds; W= Water; X= Any Block

All Farmland and seed blocks will become hydrated using the above methods. Wheat could be grown in the spaces marked ‘X’ to avoid wasting potential hydrated farmland blocks. These methods are equally efficient at 44.44%. The highest efficiency a pumpkin farm could reach is 50%, because it takes two blocks to farm one pumpkin. 50% efficiency could be met by eliminating the row with the water, but the pumpkins would grow much more slowly.


Pumpkin – Minecraft Wiki
Pumpkin Seeds – Minecraft Wiki


すいか農場解説:街道方式 minecraftologies – マインクラフト –

Minecraft Melon スイカ

Type Solid
Requirements ?
Physics No
Transparency No
Luminance No
Blast Resistance

Stackable Yes, 64
First Appearance Beta 1.8




» 続きを読む «




 大木(Big tree)




白樺と、松はBeta 1.2 以降の追加された。

 木の密度: Biome の種類に応じて木の生える密度が変化する。
 種類: 木の生える種類は木が生えている地帯の Biome に影響を受けているらしい。

参考 : Biome – マインクラフト –


  ・苗木が存在が持続するには明るさ Level 8 以上が必要
  ・木が成長するには 明るさ Level 9 以上 が必要

 木の種類は3種類あるが、Beta 1.2では今の所普通の広葉樹風のデフォルトの木しか育たないようだ。Beta 1.5 から白樺などの葉からは白樺の苗木が取れるようなった。

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