9月 27th, 2011 § § permalink by minecraftologies
Minecraft Beta 1.8 のアップデートがあったばかりだが、早くも Minecraft Beta 1.9 の情報があちこちに出ているようなので、適当にまとめてみた。
スノーマン(snowmen)、またはスノーゴーレム(Snow Golem)という、友好的な Mob が追加されるらしい。下画像参照。

スノーマン 情報元:MTV Multiplayer*1
*1 : http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2011/09/21/minecraft-update-snowmen/
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7月 5th, 2011 § § permalink by minecraftologies
4月 1st, 2011 § § permalink by minecraftologies
Minecraft Beta 1.4
* Added tameable wolves
* Added cookies
* Sleeping in a bed now resets your spawn position
* New Minecraft logo
* Holding shift while climbing will hang on to the ladder
* Spiders will no longer trample crops
* Lots and lots of infrastructure for Statistics lists and Achievements
While most of the code is written, statistics and achievements won’t show up until the next update. We didn’t quite have time to finish them this week, and didn’t want to delay the update longer.
*新しいMinecraft ロゴに
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