Notch の発言を見た後だと Microsoft を咎める気持ちにはなれないけど、暫くは私も含めたファンの多くが Microsoft が新しく入ってきた新参でしっくりこないと感じてしまう事はいたし方がないと思うんだよ。そもそも Microsoft の場合 Mojang と違い、この画像をここに張っていいのかすら分からないんだ。まあ、今までどおりファンのこれくらいの活動は許容される事を期待して張って見るけどね。あと、Microsoft が 25 億ドル*を出して作る Microcraft と、その心意気には期待しているつもり。
2週間前、酷い寒さの中で自宅にいる時、どうすることもできないある種の利用規約問題でネットが炎上し、私に矛先が向けられていました。私は困惑していました。理解できませんでした。フラストレーションが溜まった私は、こんなツイート(私が所有するMojangの持ち株を誰か買ってくれれば、私は真面目な人生を送ることができるかな? 正しいことをやろうとして憎しみを買うのは私の仕事ではありません)をしました。YouTubeで“This is Phil Fish”の動画を観て、私は自分自身のファンと繋がりがないことに気付き始めました。あると思っていたのですが。私は「シンボル/象徴」になっていたのです。自分に理解できず、もはや関わっていないのに度々追いかけてくる、何かとても大きな物への責任を抱えた「シンボル」にはなりたくありません。私は起業家ではないのです。CEOでもありません。私はTwitterで自分の意見を言いたいだけのオタクなコンピュータープログラマーです。
Notch がブログで色々言及していたのと関連があるサーバーの話は下の関連項目の所を参照して見てください。あと Terms of Use に関しては 2013 年頃に確かに微妙だけど割りと大きな変更が何回かされて権利が明確化されて行っていたのは本当の話ではあると思います。私もここでその文章を一部訳したりしたので記憶にあります。その記事も下の関連項目の所から見てみてください。既に では消えている古い内容を引用している所とかもあります。
Yes, the deal is real. Mojang is being bought by Microsoft.
It was reassuring to see how many of your opinions mirrored those of the Mojangstas when we heard the news. Change is scary, and this is a big change for all of us. It’s going to be good though. Everything is going to be OK. <3
Please remember that the future of Minecraft and you – the community – are extremely important to everyone involved. If you take one thing away from this post, let it be that.
We can only share so much information right now, but we’ve decided that being as honest as possible is the best approach. We’re still working a lot of this stuff out. Mega-deals are serious business.
Why did you sell Minecraft?
Minecraft has grown from a simple game to a project of monumental significance. Though we’re massively proud of what Minecraft has become, it was never Notch’s intention for it to get this big.
As you might already know, Notch is the creator of Minecraft and the majority shareholder at Mojang. He’s decided that he doesn’t want the responsibility of owning a company of such global significance. Over the past few years he’s made attempts to work on smaller projects, but the pressure of owning Minecraft became too much for him to handle. The only option was to sell Mojang. He’ll continue to do cool stuff though. Don’t worry about that.
There are only a handful of potential buyers with the resources to grow Minecraft on a scale that it deserves. We’ve worked closely with Microsoft since 2012, and have been impressed by their continued dedication to our game and its development. We’re confident that Minecraft will continue to grow in an awesome way.
Minecraft means many different things to millions of people across the world, and to each and every Mojangsta. We feel that this is the best way for everyone – you guys included – to benefit.
What about the other editions of Minecraft? Will they stop being developed?
There’s no reason for the development, sales, and support of the PC/Mac, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, Vita, iOS, and Android versions of Minecraft to stop. Of course, Microsoft can’t make decisions for other companies or predict the choices that they might make in the future.
We’re extremely proud of all editions and the awesome things you have achieved through playing together.
Is the game going to change? Will we still be able to make videos, mods, awesome builds, and all the cool stuff we’ve created over the past few years?
Minecraft will continue to evolve, just like it has since the start of development. We don’t know specific plans for Minecraft’s future yet, but we do know that everyone involved wants the community to grow and become even more amazing than it’s ever been. Stopping players making cool stuff is not in anyone’s interests.
What about the Mojang staff? What’s happening to you guys?
Though it’s too early to confirm which of us will continue working on Minecraft or other projects, we predict that the vast majority (if not all) Mojangstas will continue to work at Mojang for the time being.
The founders: Notch, Carl, and Jakob are leaving. We don’t know what they’re planning. It won’t be Minecraft-related but it will probably be cool.
What’s happening to the other Mojang projects, like Scrolls?
We don’t know yet. We’ll share any news as soon as we do.
Will you still be able to tweet about features and interact with the community on a personal level, just like you’ve done over the years?
Yes! That’s not going to change.
How much money was the company bought for?
Microsoft acquired Mojang for a smooth 2.5 BILLION dollars.
Minecraft: Xbox One Edition now available hoo!
Yeay! Minecraft for Xbox One is available to download from Xbox Marketplace! Here are some questions and answers to celebrate.
I’ve bought Minecraft for my Xbox 360 but now I want it on my Xbox One. Help me!
If you’ve bought Xbox 360 digitally, or played online with the the disc version, you can upgrade to Xbox One Edition for just $4.99. Log into the Xbox Marketplace to upgrade.
You can import your existing Xbox 360 world to Xbox One Edition. To do that, load up Xbox 360 Edition, upload your world to the Excellent Xbone Extra Cool Cloud (not the official name), then re-download it from inside Xbox One Edition.
All of your existing Xbox 360 DLC will work on Xbox One Edition.
You can’t play cross-platform between Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Sad but true.
I’ve never played Minecraft on my Xbox 360. I am exotic tree puncher? Where is gunz?
Minecraft for Xbox One will cost $19:99 from the Xbox Marketplace.
It’s a friendly and fun game that’s very popular with cool people across the world.
It features sheep, other animals, blocks, and tools. You can build cool stuff. You can go on adventures with friends. It’s really pretty if you catch it at the right time. You probably know this by now, considering you’re on the Mojang blog, and I posted this information a few days ago when discussing other versions.
Xbox One Edition features bigger worlds and an improved draw distance than Xbox 360 Edition. If this doesn’t mean anything to you, don’t worry. Just load up Minecraft and have fun.
I hate Xboxes! Where’s the Sony love? I am angry about this.