
4月 30th, 2011 § 0 comments

The Maps!

The maps!

I’m currently working on 1.6, which will be mostly a bug fix update. I will be going through bug lists (including the great one on the Minecraft wiki) and fixing as many as I can. There’s no set date for the update yet as I don’t know how long it’ll take to go through the list.

The only new feature that will appear is the mapping.

When you craft a map, you will be able to somehow select how “zoomed in” you want the map to be. It will be centered on the location where you craft it, and it will fill in as you explore the land. If you go outside the edges of the map, it will stop updating, so each map is of a specific area. (like real maps!)

Here’s a screenshot of a fully zooomed in map (good for town maps, for example):


 適当な訳:今は Minecraft Beta 1.6 に取り掛かっているけど、1.6は多分バグフィックスのアップデートになりそう。Minecraft wikiなどにあるバグリストなんかを出来る限り修正していこうと思っている。アップデートする日にちはまだ決めてない。どれくらい時間がかかるか分からないから。





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