The Survivors’ Book of Secrets
6月 28th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink by
6月 17th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink by
Here is a list of all the changes:
- Many bug fixes
- Added Polar Bear
- Added Husk and Stray
- An auto-jump option
- Improvements to some commands
- Structure blocks for custom maps
- Underground fossils made from bone blocks
- Added Magma Block
- Added Nether Wart Block and Red Nether Bricks
- Some huge mushrooms can be even larger
- A rare chance to find lonely trees in plains
- Find abandoned mineshafts filled with gold in mesa biomes
- Villages generate better paths between the buildings
- More variations of villages, based on the biomes they are built in
- Endermen have been spotted in the Nether
- Removed Herobrine
6月 7th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink by
少し前に公式ブログで1億本突破というのが発表されたが、気になってちょっとし食べてみた所国内の売り上げも順調に伸びているらしく、PS Vita 版が国内の売り上げ100万本を突破していたらしい。
カドカワは、PlayStation Vita「Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition」に関して、国内推定販売本数が100万本を突破したと発表した。
6月 5th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink by
Minecraft PE / Win 10 に気づいたら馬、ピストンなどが着実に実装されていた件。結構な項目が着実に本家(JAVA 版)に近づいてきているようだ。大まかに見ると、ピストン関係、馬関係、豚など乗り物系などが目立つ。細かい所で実装されていなかったアイテムのファイアチャージなど実装されているようだ。
New Features
- Mysterious, as-yet-unspecified friendliness
- Pistons and sticky pistons!
- Observer blocks: new blocks that can detect changes in neighboring blocks
- Xbox Live Achievements on iOS and Android
- Online multiplayer with Xbox Live friends!
- Leads, horses and dyeable horse armor!
- Fire charges
- Pig riding!
- A whole new UI for the main menu, shared with the Windows 10 Edition
- You can now tip arrows using a cauldron and potions!
- Husk zombies in the desert
- Stray skeletons in tundras
- Different villages in taigas and savannahs
- Skeleton horse traps!
- Online play uses less bandwidth now
- Note blocks are a lot louder now
- Walking far from spawn generates a lot less jittering now
- Added more mob eggs to the creative menu
6月 5th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink by
Minecraft PE / Win 10 に気づいたら馬、ピストンなどが着実に実装されていた件。結構な項目が着実に本家(JAVA 版)に近づいてきているようだ。大まかに見ると、ピストン関係、馬関係、豚など乗り物系などが目立つ。細かい所で実装されていなかったアイテムのファイアチャージなど実装されているようだ。
New Features
- Mysterious, as-yet-unspecified friendliness
- Pistons and sticky pistons!
- Observer blocks: new blocks that can detect changes in neighboring blocks
- Xbox Live Achievements on iOS and Android
- Online multiplayer with Xbox Live friends!
- Leads, horses and dyeable horse armor!
- Fire charges
- Pig riding!
- A whole new UI for the main menu, shared with the Windows 10 Edition
- You can now tip arrows using a cauldron and potions!
- Husk zombies in the desert
- Stray skeletons in tundras
- Different villages in taigas and savannahs
- Skeleton horse traps!
- Online play uses less bandwidth now
- Note blocks are a lot louder now
- Walking far from spawn generates a lot less jittering now
- Added more mob eggs to the creative menu
6月 4th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink by
It is time. Here is this weeks snapshot the first Minecraft 1.10 pre-release. We will decide when the final Minecraft 1.10 update will be released based on the feedback we get and the reported issues on our bugtracker.
6月 3rd, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink by
5月 31st, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink by
UPDATE: Minecraft snapshot 16w21b is now available
Last week the polar bears were released into the world. This week they can enjoy their peaceful life in a world with less bugs.
Some of the changes and new features are not 100% finalized and we are going to improve and balance them in the upcoming snapshots.
Most noticeable is the lack of sound effects for some of the new things in the game. There is no need to report them as bugs as we are fully aware of the issue and our sound magicians are already working on it.
Reporting bugs on our bugtracker is the best way to tell us about things that are horribly broken or even crash your game. Please make sure the issue is not already reported before posting a new ticket.
The bug tracker has a “search” function that will help you to figure out if there’s already a ticket about the problem you want to report.
Notable changes:
- Bugs fixed
- More bugs fixed
- Removed some broken code
- Solved some reported issues
- Changed some incorrect things in the game
- Even more bugs fixed
- Added …
アップデート: Minecraft snapshot 16w21b が利用可能になりました。
5月 22nd, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink by
Mojang のサイトを見ていたら、マイクラの価格設定が一部地域で変更されているという話が出ていた。地域にもよるが全体的に値上がりしている。日本は元々価格設定がなかったらしく、それが 3000円 となったらしい。
5月 13th, 2016 § 3 comments § permalink by
Update: Minecraft 1.9.4 removes the incorrect snapshot warning when you load a world from a previous version in Minecraft 1.9.3.
This update fixes some reported issues and improves overall performance of the game. We also found some ways to reduce the memory usage, especially on servers.
Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to If nobody reports a bug, we can’t fix it!
Notable changes:
- Improved memory usage of the pathfinder
- Performance of the chunk cache improved
- Use less memory for biome caching
- Several tweaks to the AI
- Tweaks to the Realms
- Added /stopsound command
- Removed herob…. (ok, this is getting old, I know)
アップデート: Minecraft 1.9.4 は前のバージョン Minecraft 1.9.3 からワールドをロードする時の間違ったスナップショットの警告を取り除いた。
マインクラフトで見つけたバグは全て へレポートして欲しい(注:英語のサイトなので注意)。もし誰もバグを報告しなければ直すことが出来ないからね!
herobrine はマインクラフトに昔からある小ネタで。マイクラの怪奇現象。アップデートでも散々 herobrine のネタが何度も出てくるのでここでも何度かアップデートに注釈をつけたことがあるけど、より正確には色々二次創作された設定があって、現在も着々と設定が深まっていっているようだ。
最近もまだ新しい horebrine 動画が作られている。