Minecraft: Xbox One Edition now available hoo!
Yeay! Minecraft for Xbox One is available to download from Xbox Marketplace! Here are some questions and answers to celebrate.
I’ve bought Minecraft for my Xbox 360 but now I want it on my Xbox One. Help me!
If you’ve bought Xbox 360 digitally, or played online with the the disc version, you can upgrade to Xbox One Edition for just $4.99. Log into the Xbox Marketplace to upgrade.
You can import your existing Xbox 360 world to Xbox One Edition. To do that, load up Xbox 360 Edition, upload your world to the Excellent Xbone Extra Cool Cloud (not the official name), then re-download it from inside Xbox One Edition.
All of your existing Xbox 360 DLC will work on Xbox One Edition.
You can’t play cross-platform between Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Sad but true.
I’ve never played Minecraft on my Xbox 360. I am exotic tree puncher? Where is gunz?
Minecraft for Xbox One will cost $19:99 from the Xbox Marketplace.
It’s a friendly and fun game that’s very popular with cool people across the world.
It features sheep, other animals, blocks, and tools. You can build cool stuff. You can go on adventures with friends. It’s really pretty if you catch it at the right time. You probably know this by now, considering you’re on the Mojang blog, and I posted this information a few days ago when discussing other versions.
Xbox One Edition features bigger worlds and an improved draw distance than Xbox 360 Edition. If this doesn’t mean anything to you, don’t worry. Just load up Minecraft and have fun.
I hate Xboxes! Where’s the Sony love? I am angry about this.
「Minecraft: Xbox One Edition」の海外リリース日が9月5日に決定。以前最終テスト段階に入ったと報告されていた「Minecraft: Xbox One Edition」の海外リリース日が決定した。海外リリース日という事なので日本国内で発売されるのはもう少し先になるかもしれないという点には注意して欲しい。
主戦場の PC から離れた XBOX だろうが、そんな事はもはや Minecraft の前には関係なかったらしいと、以前の売り上げ記録のニュースのときに書いたが、それどころかむしろ PC を離れてますます売り上げ本数が伸びているようだ。この調子だと2番煎じだろうが3番煎じだろうが、 WiiU や Vita だろうが、どこに行ってもまた爆発的に売れてしまうのではないかという気がしてしまう。
You’ve bought Minecraft for Xbox 12m times. Thanks!
As mentioned by the bigwigs at Microsoft, we’ve sold 12 million copies of Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition. Hoo! That’s loads! It might even be a record.
We’d like to offer our heartfelt thanks to all players on Microsoft’s console. Without your passion and creativity, Minecraft wouldn’t be anywhere near as significant as it is today. The same goes for anyone enjoying Minecraft on PC/Mac, Playstation 3, iOS and Android. You’re all equally nice.
Our porters at 4J also deserve a mention for their skills. Keep it up, dudes!
6週に渡ってイギリスの週間小売チャートを独走していたNaughty Dogの新作「The Last of Us」ですが、先ほどGfK調べによる7月21日週のUKセールスチャートが発表され、イギリスで6月末に発売を迎えたリテール版「Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition」がセールで販売が急増し、遂に“The Last of Us”を抑え首位を獲得したことが明らかになりました。
UKチャート7/21~27:「Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition」が遂に“The Last of Us”を下し初の首位を獲得 « doope! 国内外のゲーム情報総合サイト