Minecraft に Pi edition というのが作られたらしい。35ドルの格安 PC Pi で動かす Minecraft だそうだ。しかもプログラミングの学習を Minecraft を通じて行えるという物らしい。本当にプログラミングが学習できるのならば、案外日本でも需要はありそうな気はする。下はその Pi Edition の動画だ。
Minecraft: Pi Editionはプログラミングなしでふつうに遊べるが、テキストコマンドを使うと“大量のブロックを特定のパターンで重ねたり、重ねる過程をスピードアップしたりできる”。ちょっと、テトリスの3Dバージョンみたいになるのかな。
Pi Foundationは、先週パリで行われたMojangのMineConカンファレンスにボランティアを一人送り込んで、Minecraft: Pi Editionをデモした。そのボランティアくんは、簡単なループ文を書いて、“これから置くブロックの種類と位置を同時に変えられるようにし、それによって、溶岩が空中から流れ出し、下の森林に火災を起こす効果を作りだした”。
Saturday 24 November – Join the live stream
Opening Ceremony 1:30am Pacific | 9:30am GMT | 8:30pm Sydney
Incredible Custom Map Making 2:45am Pacific | 10:45am GMT | 9:45pm Sydney
Chat with Notch 4:00am Pacific | 12:00pm GMT | 11:00pm Sydney
Mojang’s New Game: Scrolls 5:15am Pacific | 1:15pm GMT | 12:15am Sun Sydney
Live from The Museum of Mojang 6:00am Pacific | 3:00pm GMT | 1:00am Sun Sydney
Future Updates with the Minecraft PC Team 6:30am Pacific | 2:30pm GMT | 1:30am Sun Sydney
Sunday 25 November – Join the live stream
The Genius that is Hat Films 1:30am Pacific | 9:30am GMT | 8:30pm Sydney
Creativity with Redstone 2:45am Pacific | 10:45am GMT | 9:45pm Sydney
Master Builders: FyreUK 4:00am Pacific | 12:00pm GMT | 11:00pm Sydney
Taking over Youtube – Captainsparklez 5:15am Pacific | 1:15pm GMT | 12:15am Mon Sydney
Closing Ceremony 6:00am Pacific | 2:45pm GMT | 1:45am Mon Sydney
Unfortunately we have to patch Minecraft again, this time to fix the broken LAN server functionality. Good news is that this only affects the client, so 1.4.5 clients will be able to play on 1.4.4 servers without any problems.
Fixes included:
Clients now get the correct IP for LAN servers
Fixed the incorrect positions of some particles
… and fixes for MC-2507, MC-2508, MC-2500, and MC-2498
Jeepers creepers! Crikey! Jawch! Inoffensive exclamation native to your home country! Minecraft has sold 8 million copies on PC and Mac. That’s a lot. Not as many as the The Sims 2 or Half-Life 2, but more than the Sims 2: Pets and Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty according to this page. It’s a big number, basically.
I asked Jeb for some words to highlight the awesomeness of the sales and got this back: “I can’t think of anything clever to say. It’s simply amazing.”
Notch replied with this: 69I960EHE0A4A0IVG0EHE02500R4R0G1T30PLJ00V6V0EHE0V1U01V10U5U0VGV0V4R
Thanks for buying Minecraft everyone! Have a lovely day. :D
We’ll just quickly post to let you know that the Minecraft 1.4.4 update now can be downloaded in the Minecraft launcher. It’s the same build we pre-released last week, and is mainly intended to fix bugs and glitches. Check the previous posts for more info: