There have been three main problems we have wanted to address:
Too large oceans
Too uneven/random biome placement
Not enough variation
The solution to these problems have been,
Tweaks to add more islands and checks to avoid huge oceans
Biomes have been put into four main categories: snow-covered, cold, medium, and dry/warm. Biomes will avoid getting placed next to a biome that is too different to itself (sometimes this still happens, but it’s very rare now and not all over the place)
We’ve added a whole bunch of new biomes…
… and most biomes have uncommon/rare variations that you may run into
We’ve also added a bunch of new terrain features, such as new flowers and trees
This year we’re holding our third MINECON event, and now that tickets are sold out and we are deep into planning I thought I’d give a little bit more info into the event and how/why we do some of the things we do for it.
MINECON is exciting to us. It’s a chance to bring together thousands of Minecraft players all in one place and give them a chance to meet each other and Mojang, and give people a really amazing experience involving a game that is so integrated into our lives.
「Ansesuta」という世界を紹介している動画。作者は一人との事だが、かなりの規模で作っており、巨大な街や自然を含んだマップとなっている。一つ一つの建物の完成度も高く、テクスチャや影 MOD なども駆使し全体に高い完成度になっている。音楽なども含めた動画としてみても、いい動画なのではないかと思う。ガジェット通信でも取り上げられており、既に割りと有名になっている動画かもしれない。この動画に限らず、最近は日本のマインクラフターのレベルも著しく向上していて、比較的新しいもので色々凄い建物の動画などが出ているようだ。
“[WARNING] Can’t keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?”という警告が出ていたので色々調べてみた。文面からは原因がはっきりしないが、発生する条件が限定されている部分もあるので、その辺の条件から推測できる所もあったのでメモしておく。
マルチサーバーで「You are not permitted to use アイテム名」というエラーが出る場合、 Essentials というサーバープラグインの設定の問題らしい。 Google では英語のスレッドばかりが出てきて日本語の情報がなかったので一応紹介。エラーを直すには、 Essentials のパーミッション設定を見直すか、プラグインを外す必要がある。
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Any tools you write for the game from scratch belongs to you. Other than commercial use (unless specifically authorized by us in our brand and assets usage guidelines – for instance you are allowed to put ads on your YouTube videos containing Minecraft footage), you’re free to do whatever you want with screenshots and videos of the game, but don’t just rip art resources and pass them around, that’s no fun. Plugins for the game also belong to you and you can do whatever you want with them, as long as you don’t sell them for money. We reserve the final say regarding what constitutes a tool/plugin and what doesn’t.